Work with Bactelife
Bactelife is growing rapidly and in need of key distributors. We are seeking like-minded lawn care companies, farmers, communities, and suppliers to expand our reach in conserving water, improving lawns and crop yields, and strengthening soil.
To determine if Bactelife is the ideal product to help you and your customers get greener lawns with less water at lower costs, connect with us about a Pilot Study.
Pilot Study
Put Bactelife to the test.
Pilot Study includes:
- 16-oz starter – covers 4 lawns
- 2 hours of phone support
$2,000 Sales Value
Request Pilot Study
Lawn Care
Covers 96 Residential Customers-
$48,000Sales Value
3 gallons to cover 96 customersMinimum 1-gal requirement for repeat orders
1 Day of Onsite Traning ($1,000 value)
2 Follow-up Zoom Training Calls($100 value)
Become a Distributor
Our product costs $50.00 per customer per year. We recommend an average rate of $500.00 for 4 services in 1 year. As a distributor, this provides you a healthy margin of 90% to operate your business as you feel appropriate. If you need to raise or lower that number for your market, we leave that up to you. With your license, you have the assurance that we will not sell this to your competitors unless they become a distributor themselves. We want to support you in expanding this technology into your community and be rewarded for being the business that did it.